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Google Release App Engine

Everyone probably knows about Google’s new “app engine” released earlier today. It looks great and I think it’s a very smart move by Google in their effort to takeover the web “platform”. I wonder what this is going to do for Python’s popularity? Or will they release other languages such as PHP or JAVA? The Database does not look very relational as it does not support any Joins – Does anyone know how this works, seems very inefficient, but I guess resources are not an issue for Google and it may be a better fit across their distributed systems. I know this is a developer preview but I would be interested to hear from anyone with plans to roll out a live app.

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  1. April 15, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    Do you think they will combine this with the open social platform?

  2. April 16, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    I think they will integrate this with as many of there API’s as possible. This is about attracting developers away from other platforms to Google web platform. I expect that Microsoft and Yahoo will follow with their own “app engine” equivalents shortly (possible based around .NET, PHP.) Maybe Sun will also partner with someone for a Java platform.

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